Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The little girl in me

A few weeks ago i helped jasmine make a doll house out of a cardboard box. Many memories came back to me of my own cardboard box dollhouse! Mine was made by my big sister and she had crafted curtains and little furniture out of boxes and cardboard. Probably if i could see it now it wouldn't be as far out as my memory makes it, but it was pretty fantastic! The little girl in me came through loud and strong and the next time we were at dollar general found me checking the toy aisle. Sure enough! There were little girls that would fit in the house for only $1. Back home with 3 girls owning dolls instead of 1, the next obvious idea was making clothes. Jasmine tried her hand and they had fun fashioning this and that. Today turned out to be the day that i took on the project. Turns out the ideas in my head didn't work out so well when i actually used teeny tiny pieces. So...i actually looked
online an came up w/ a pattern! Wasted day? I think not! :) i'm a hero!!

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