Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Adventure Begins

We are two days into our big adventure, and I thought I'd spend a little time bringing you up to date. 

I think this should be my new life motto...

Friday was a busy, busy day of doing all the last minute laundry and packing and rechecking of lists. It went well, but oh, was I tired at the end of that day. I think everyone we've talked to has thought we were just a little bit crazy (or maybe a lot) when they heard we're planning to set out on this trip with only a minivan. That's ok. It's not the first time people have thought we were crazy, and certainly won't be the last! The dad at our house just happens to be a man who lives to think outside the box. 

We bought a carrier for the top...

And fully utilized the empty space beneath for our pantry. 

The back is packed to the gills and our van certainly won't be winning any awards for great gas mileage but we Chris got it all in there -- two tents, five sleeping bags, one air mattress, cooking supplies, clothes for seven, and 4,559 other miscellaneous items. 

Real life picture of the mother the night before the big day. (The picture was staged but it was exactly how I felt!)

Day one was a travel day. We listened to several things and engaged in multiple activities. The most memorable chunk of the travel time would have to be listening to some of That Sounds Fun's Enneasummer 2021 podcasts and delving into lively discussions for quite some time afterward.

After an Aldi stop for ingredients, we arrived at our Airbnb and whipped up a breakfast supper, using our electric burner and electric skillet. It was great to stretch out and relax. 

Today, we hit the road early again, heading toward the Texas panhandle. Our youngest -- all of us, really -- are huge Hank the Cowdog fans. Chris has dreamed of somehow giving his children a chance to meet the author, John R Erickson -- even emailing him personally one time. When we talked about places to visit, we thought it would be fun to see the area where he lives and the town his books are based in. Jennifer remembered that in his book "Finding Hank", he mentions how people sometimes show up at the church he attends, hoping to meet him. We decided to be one of those people. 

We didn't get to meet Mr Erickson (Chris emailed him and he answered, saying they were unable to attend), but we did visit the church he attends and enjoyed southern hospitality and beautiful, pipe organ music.


Then it was on to our next Airbnb to relax, cook supper and wash up laundry in the most eclectic little house I have ever seen. 

Tomorrow it's on to the Grand Canyon and the adventures of camping!


Miller scribe said...

That already is my life motto. 😊 I would way rather spend money on travel than other luxuries. And I don't think you're crazy, going west in a minivan instead of a RV. There are pros & cons both ways, but both ways will bond your family and make memories you'll never forget!
Blessings on your trip! Looking forward to hearing more...

Gloria said...

I had tried to comment earlier, but it did not seem I was signed in right, so I will try again. I finally got to the travel vlogs and really enjoyed them!