Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Grand Canyon

Let's camp on our trip, we said. It will save big dollars, we said. It will be fun, we said. 

Let's cook on our trip as much as we can, we said. It will save big dollars, we said. We can use charcoal when we camp, we said. It will be fun, we said. 

Let's buy an air mattress, we said. The youngsters will be fine with sleeping bags, we said. The parents deserve an air mattress, we said. It will be comfy, we said. 

Ever slept on a half full air mattress? It causes hilarious giggling when you're squished together at 4 in the morning (incidentally, that's also when 
the birds start singing in Arizona)

Let's visit the Grand Canyon, we said. It would be cool to go back where the parents went on their honeymoon, we said. 

Then and now.....


If everything went smoothly, we wouldn't have any good stories to tell, right?

In spite of the glitches, camping was fun. Our friendly RV neighbors let us cook breakfast at their campsite...

We slipped in and out of the air conditioned van to check out the sights...

And hung out at our campsite in the late afternoon breeze...

Until it was time for a cold supper and a hike down the canyon to watch the sun set...

Pictures do not do justice to the beauty!

Due to the heat and the fire ban, we decided to rearrange our schedule and camp only two nights, instead of three. So this morning was pack up time...

(The magician at work)

Until next time....


Anonymous said...

Keep your sandals on! I was reading that the temps are so high in some places in the southwest that people are getting serious burns from hot asphalt, especially those who fall and can't get up by themselves. But just going barefoot is dangerous, too. You probably caught on to that by now. Sorry you met with such intense summer weather. I'm glad it didn't keep you from having a good time and creating precious memories. Blessings and safe travels. Linda Rose

Luella said...

I am enjoying your trip updates. :)
It looks beautiful! That heat tho'...... wow!!

Bethany Eicher said...

Oh my, yes. I can easily believe going barefoot would be terrible!

Bethany Eicher said...

It is so beautiful! And so hot...

Regina said...

Bethany, I'm behind in reading blogs and I would have about our high heat warning and fire restrictions but it looks like the Lord worked everything out.He always comes through. The heat has been terrible for the past week or so.
We still haven't been to the Grand Canyon but I hope we get to go soon.
Enjoy your trip and stay safe.