Thursday, March 9, 2023

A Month of Pictures: 09

If, by any chance, you have ever looked at me and wondered, "My! Where does she get those big muscles??" I am here today to explain. 

Does it come from lifting weights, you ask? No. It does not come from lifting weights; never lifted a weight in my life. 

Chin-ups? Nope. Not from chin-ups.

Push-ups. Do you do a lot of push-ups? No. I do not. Couldn't do a lot of push-ups even if I tried!

Are you saying you're not in some kind of exercise program? That's exactly what I'm saying. See, big muscles resulting from an exercise program would mean that you stuck with said program for more than five days so... no. It's not that. 

Toddlers! You have a toddler and a baby you lug around everywhere? Uhhh, no. My youngest is almost ten, actually. 

Give up? 

Ever tried hauling your piles of groceries up five hundred and fifty-nine steps every time you come home from town? It's exhilarating, let me tell you. Gets your heart pumping fast, your breath starts coming in little gasps, your legs get all shaky, and your arms go to aching....

Pretty sure it produces muscles. Probably makes for overall better health, I'm guessing. Best results happen in extreme temperatures and in inclement weather. If you'd like to try it some day, come right ahead! My mom always taught me not to be greedy. 

PS. On another note: Some days I go shopping and feel like Frugal Francis; today was not one of them. Will I ever stop being shocked at the astounding totals these days?!

PPS: I am truly thankful I have the means to buy what my family needs. That's really the only thing you need to take away from this post.

The End


Luella said...

I totally feel you on those grocery bills! But similarly, when my jaw wants to drop, I try to remember to be thankful for the ability to buy them.

Bethany Eicher said...

It can be really depressing, unless you come at it from the gratitude angle!